Air Warfare Systems Assault Support (AWS – AS)



AWS–AS is mindful of future threats through close collaboration with the Cunningham Group, ensuring assault support capabilities evolve to meet future threats and guaranteeing their relevancy to support to the future force.  AWS–AS sustains and enhances MAGTF warfighting capabilities.  Marine Assault Support aviation must thrive at sea and in forward, isolated, austere locations while fully integrating into the Naval Expeditionary and Joint Networks.  AWS-AS will ensure the MAGTF is able to conduct combat assault support, air delivery, aerial refueling, air evacuation, tactical recovery of aircraft and personnel, and air logistical support missions within the competition continuum against a peer adversary.  To that end, AWS–AS will provide life cycle management of the ACE’s assault support assets by supporting the development of essential capabilities, training, organization and sustainment in order to support distributed Marine, Naval, and Joint Forces in bringing firepower to bear against the adversary.

Marine Aviation